Secretary of state of Public Service

Mrs. Mapelli * L Marchena Clear.

Clear Mapelli * L Marchena

Doctorate in law from the Universidad autónoma de Madrid.

Master's degree in Public leadership and management by Universidad Internacional menéndez Pelayo.

Staff at higher Civil Administrators of the state.

Has served as the positions of director-general of Public Governance técnica-directora and secretary-general of the secretariat of the government, as well as the posts of deputy chief executive officer of intellectual property, deputy director of studies and research of the centre of political studies and constitutional technical, deputy secretary-general of the ministry of education, culture and sport, and director of the offices of the secretary-General of the civil service and of the state secretary for justice, among others.

Several publications on reform of the civil service and a judicial area of the european Union.

Coordinated training activities and provided teaching in the national institute of public administration. It Is a member of the expert groups of the european commission on public administration and Governance, and Regulatory Improvement and simplification.