Plan Monitoring

ELISA: The Plan in figures

Consultation of the Plan ousted figures

Table interactive displays a set of indicators that allow you to follow up the implementation of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience.

Consult Follow-Up

Methodological tab

NATIONAL projects

List of 100 largest recipients

The 100 largest recipients of eu funds in Spain as stipulated in article 25 bis, umbrella MRR an investment ofover 5,600 million euros.

In any case, as recognized in the data of progress in the recovery PlanELISAat an aggregate level have already moved more 62,400 million euros in published and there are already more than 35.0000 million euros in resolved, which represents half of the implementation of the recovery Plan have already been granted more than 50 per cent of the funds allocated through transfers in the first phase of the plan. We have more than 600,000 beneficiaries, of whom 78.5 per cent of the business sector and about 40 per cent are micro-enterprises and smes.