What is PRTR?

TheRecovery Plan, transformation and Resilience (PRTR)it is the road map of the government of Spain to boosteconomic recovery, the modernization of the countryand to ensure asustainable and inclusive future. Funded by european fundsNext Generation us,the PRTR poses ahistoric opportunityto accelerate the transformation of the economy, strengthening its social and production bases.

A Plan based on Four Cross-Cutting Issues

The PRTR is structured aroundfour major areas,aligned with the priorities of the european union:

  1. Ecological transition:To move towards a sustainable economy, low-carbon and resilient to climate change.
  2. Digital transformation:Promote the digitalization of the society, economy and public administrations.
  3. Social and Territorial cohesion:Ensure equal opportunities and balanced development in all regions of the country.
  4. Gender equality:Promoting effective equality between women and men in all areas.

Triggers of change and components

The Plan comprises10 policy lever,grouping31 componentsto implement structural reforms and investment projects in key sectors.Ministry for the transformation and the civil serviceit leads and participate in key components fordigitization and modernization of the country,such as:

Component Millions of Euros
C11: Modernization of public administrations 2.716
C12: Industrial Policy Spain 2030 400
C13: Impetus to the smes 7.622
C14: Plan for the modernization and competitiveness of the tourism sector 100
C15: Digital Connectivity, momentum of cybersecurity and deployment of 5G 15.370
C16: National Strategy of Artificial Intelligence 540
C18: Renewal and expansion of the capacities of the national health system 100
National Plan of C19: Digital Skills (digital skills) 1027
C21: Modernization and digitization of the educational system, including early education from 0 to 3 years 50
C25: Spain hub audiovisual de Europe (Spain AVS Hub) 1,831
Total ministry for the Digital Processing and the civil service 27.040

Source: data from the implementation of follow-up to european funds MTDFP


Figure with the main components driven by the MTFP


These components are key to transforming spain in a countryconnected, competitive and innovative,encouraging the digitization of smes, the deployment of networks 5G, artificial intelligence and the development of skills in the digital society.

The Plan has been articulated in a coherent set of investments to carry out in its entirety between practice and 2026 2021 and in an ambitious programme of structural reforms and legislative measures aimed at addressing the main challenges of our country.

Download recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience (PDF)


On 2 october 2023 the european commission issued its report to the second phase of the recovery Plan and on 17 october 2023 ECOFIN adopted it. The Codicil will mobilize the totality of resources allocated to spain as a Next Generation EU funds.

Download the second phase of the recovery Plan, transformation and Resilience (PDF)