
The Ministry for the transformation and the civil service is committed to make accessible its website in accordance with the royal decree 1112/2018, of 7 september on accessibility of websites and applications for mobile devices in the public sector, which reflected the directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the european parliament and of the council of 26 october 2016.

The present statement of accessibility applies to the website https :// excluding embedded content from other domains.


This website is partially in accordance with the RD 1112/2018 due to lack of conformity of the following areas.

Content is not accessible

The content presented below is not accessible by the following:

a) lack of conformity with the royal decree 1112/2018

Problems associated with the requirement of the standard UNE-EN 301549:2022: absence of headers and presence of non-sorted list empty.

(b) disproportionate burden

Not applicable.

(c) the content does not fall within the scope of the applicable law

Can be no contents that are not developed by the ministry or who are not under its control, such as ofimáticos files.

Preparation of the present statement of accessibility

The present statement was prepared on the day 05/06/2024, which Only refers to the analysis undertaken on the homepage of the website: https ://

The method used to prepare the statement has been through diagnostic service on line of the observatory for Web Accessibility, which transferred the results of checks automatically verified criteria and Standard conformity WCAG UNE-EN 301549, as a basis, correspondence table (pdf).

However, this revision of accessibility is incomplete and does not comply 100% the report of the revision of accessibility, which includes many checks to be carried out and who are still under way.

In forthcoming revisions to expand the declaration of accessibility with further verification, and to expand the range of pages of this portal that will be analysed.

Recent review of the declaration: 06/05/2024.

Optional content

The last revision of accessibility has been made in june of 2024.

For security reasons there is no support for internet explorer and recommend the use of microsoft edge web. the resolution is the recommended minimum resolution of 1280x1024.

The website is designed for a adaptable, optimally displayed in the tablet and mobile devices.