State secretariat for Digitization and Artificial intelligence

The secretariat of digitization status and Artificial intelligence, under the supervision of the person to Digital Transformation and the civil service, shall perform the functions envisaged in article 62 of law 40/2015, of 1 october, from The Legal Regime of the public Sector, within their sphere of competence, in relation to the policy of impetus to the digitalization of the society and economy with the individual and collective rights, as well as with the values of the spanish legal order.

To that end, its advocacy and regulation of digital services and the digital economy and society, the dialogue with the occupational sectors, industrial and academic and the inter-ministerial coordination and cooperation with other public administrations to raw materials, without prejudice to the competence of other ministerial departments.

Secretary of state of Digitization and Artificial intelligence: María González Veracruz