Secretary of state of Digitization and Artificial intelligence
María González Veracruz

Born in Murcia, in 1979, has a degree in biochemistry, university of Murcia. After four years of research in Molecular Genetics in the Universidad de Murcia, also at the institute of biochemistry of Leipzig (Germany), obtained a degree in research with llm dissertation, a number of publications and the Diploma of advanced studies in Molecular genetics of fungi.
In the political sphere, she was a member of national region of Murcia between 2011 and 2019, and the spokesman for the socialist group in key areas as technology, science and innovation.
Between 2008 and 2016, he held various responsibilities within the PSOE, stressing as secretary of Science, participation and networking. In Addition, was counsellor to the Centro para el Desarrollo tecnológico Industrial (CDTI) and served as professor of Physics and chemistry in the region of Murcia.
Since october 2002, served as secretary of state of telecommunications and Digital Infrastructures for two years.
In september 2024, was appointed secretary of state of Digitization and Artificial intelligence, where it currently contributes to technological progress and the digital processing humanist and fair in Spain since the ministry for the Digital Processing and the civil service.