Secretary of state of Digitization and Artificial intelligence

María Teresa Ledo Turiel

María Teresa Ledo Turiel

Degree in economics, university of Valladolid in 1992, 1994 completed the master's Studies Centre of financial and Monetary Affairs (CEMFI) of the bank of Spain. Conducted doctoral courses in Economic Analysis in the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

In 1994 was incorporated into the banking corporation Argentaria as financial markets in the treasury and capital markets and in 1997 in the service of BBV studies as an international economy and financial markets.

In 1999 was appointed chief economist of financial and economic scenarios in the working group in 2010 BBVA and added responsibility of financial regulation, and was responsible of the committee of Financial Regulation of BBVA.

In 2011, joined the group of financial Directorate BBVA, forming part of the steering committee of the global financial Area since then, first as responsible for financial trends and relations with regulators and supervisors until 2013.

From 2014 assumed responsibility for preparation of the recovery plan of the group BBVA.

Between 2016 and 2018 is responsible for the financial strategy.

In 2018 step to be responsible for global operations of the group and in 2019, was appointed responsible cost, purchases and investments.

Since then was responsible for the management of the Single Development Agenda (SDA).

In 2021 joined the ministry for the inclusion, Social security and immigration as director of the attorney general, to participate actively in the substantive reforms were carried out.

By 2023, was appointed director of cabinet of the minister of Digital Transformation.