The Government began the process of improving the
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• the minister Oscar López emphasized that cooperation between administrations can have a good response capacity with regard to the citizens
• both institutions undertake to promote the organization joint training activities on matters of management subject to public consultation of the council
Madrid, 2 october 2024.-The minister for the transformation and the civil service, oscar lópez, and the president of the state council, Carmen Calvo, have participated in the act of signing of a protocol between the national institute of public administration (INAP) and the council of State. The two institutions reinforce its collaboration and extended to the organization of joint workshops and seminars on public management that could be subject to consultation of the council of state.
“ cooperation between administrations is essential in tackling these difficult times and changes and only with a good response capacity will find the confidence of citizens ”, has indicated the minister. Oscar López has highlighted the reforms being pursued by Spain in order to improve its democracy and Democratic Regeneration. “ An initiative that helps us to consolidate international leadership that we are building ”, has added.
For its part, Carmen Calvo has stressed that “ today we are going a step further to do better in public administration ”. “ we commit ourselves to improve the quality standards of our legislative process ”, which is to “ produce fewer rules, standards that are genuinely Useful and simple language and understandable for citizenship ”, mentioned. Finally, wanted to stress that the good functioning of public administration “ is a guarantee for our democratic system ”.
The minister López has used to announce that United Nations has just put the top 20 countries worldwide with a digital administration most developed. Only six other countries of the european union are contained in this list. As acknowledged by United nations, Spain is knowing leverage technology to improve governance and public service delivery. “ and this affects the daily life of citizens and businesses, which can save time and money in making its basic efforts with the administration. Thus, in Spain by 84 per cent of these actions can be done online, almost five points above the european average. In the case of companies, this percentage rises to 91 per cent, six points above the average for europe ”, has been a model.
Key points of agreement
The consultative INAP, trainer and promoter of innovation in administration, and the council of state, as an advisory body on the legal system and correct the administrative, share the mission of good governance.
Both institutions undertook to promote joint organization of training activities on matters of public management consulted upon the council, such as the regulatory improvement, the administrative staff, la responsabilidad patrimonial del Estado or the revision of administrative acts. The collaboration between the two signatories will be extended to missions and international projects and also the commitment to the dissemination of research work. A joint commission for monitoring compliance with these objectives. In these activities will be professionally qualified persons of the council of state and people female ministries relating to the issues.
In this regard will include employees of the council to the working groups of open Innovation INAP.
During the INAP 2023 in 80,000 people were formed within the framework of the learning strategy I 2023-2024, raw mainly: transparency, open governments, information and communication, languages, ethics, innovation, public procurement, etc. The institute also in the management training, as is evident from the launch of the school of Public Management of the state.